Reminder of E-rate Veterans Webinar - November 5
October 31, 2013
A 1.5-hour training webinar will be presented on Tuesday, November 5 from 1-2:30 to provide returning (veteran) Pennsylvania applicants with important changes to the federal E-rate program. This is a webinar you don't want to miss (I've highlighted the topics below that are new and critical). Pre-registration is not required, but applicants are required to list their name AND school/library entity upon entering the webinar. Instructions for entering the webinar are below. The following topics will be presented:
-- Changes to the FY 2014 Eligible Services List
-- Changes to Forms 470 and 471 (major change to 471 Block 5) *
-- New Definition of RFP (related to the Form 470) *
-- FY 2014 Form 471 Application Window Dates
-- New Priority 2 Form 470 Requirements *
-- Changes to PEPPM Eligibility *
-- New Restrictions on Awarding Contracts to 2 Different Vendors (such as cellular service) *
-- Outlook for Priority 2 Funding in 2014
-- What to Do if You Haven't Been Funded for FY 2013
-- VOIP Bundled Handset Eligibility
-- Update to E-rate Reform Efforts
-- Reminders about Which Forms Are Due When For FY 2012, 2013 and 2014
. Please go to and click on the NAME OF MEETING
link under the Meeting Name Column. (You may join the room 30 minutes prior to the start time).
. Connect your speakers, microphone and/or headset before joining the
. Use your First and Last Name AND your school/library name as your Login Name and click "Log In"
(there is no password for this session). This is a requirement for participating in this session.
. You will automatically be taken to the webinar presentation.
I look forward to seeing you there!
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
