Attn. Libraries: PA Library Broadband Survey Launched!
August 13, 2013
Today, State Librarian, Stacey Aldrich, sent the below message to all public libraries in PA announcing the launch of PALBIS -- the PA Library Broadband Internet Survey. I hope all PA libraries will participate in this 5-10 minute survey!
-- Julie
From: Aldrich, Stacey []
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:05 PM
Cc: Debra M Kriete (; Julie Tritt Schell (; Christopher Alberts (
Subject: Pennsylvania Library Broadband and Internet Access Survey Project - Please complete by Friday, August 30
Hello Everyone,
Today I am pleased to announce the launch of the Pennsylvania Library Broadband and Internet Access Survey Project (PALBIS) designed to provide us with the data needed to develop statewide library broadband initiatives in the coming year. The online survey should be completed for each library/branch in PA and is available at:
The survey should take 10 minutes (or less) of your time to complete and I ask for everyone’s participation on or before Friday, August 30.
In addition, each library system will be contacted via phone by a member of our survey team to ask specific questions about the existence of coordinated broadband and internet connectivity (a system-wide WAN). The calls will be conducted over the next 10 days.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who should complete the online survey?
-- If your library is a member of a library system that provides technology services, the library system is being asked to complete a separate survey for each of the member libraries.
-- All other libraries should complete a survey for each of your library locations (main and branches).
What if we’re still unsure who should complete the survey?
-- PA has such a diverse library community and we understand there may be confusion about which entity should complete the survey. The easy answer is “When in Doubt, Fill it Out.” After all of the data has been submitted, we will reconcile any duplicates.
What if we’re unsure of how to answer a question?
-- If you’re unsure how to answer a question, mark “I’m not sure” and the survey team will contact you at a later date to try to ascertain the accurate information.
If you still have questions, please send an e-mail to and a member of the PALBIS survey team will reply within 24 hours.
Thank you in advance for taking time out of your busy schedule to provide us with this valuable data. We are seeking 100% participation and I hope I can count on your support!
Kindest Regards,
Stacey A. Aldrich | Deputy Secretary
Pennsylvania Department of Education | Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Forum 200 | 607 South Drive | Harrisburg PA 17120-0600
Office: 717-783-2466 | Fax: 717-783-3265 |
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
