Attn. Libraries: Upcoming PA Public Library Broadband Survey
August 7, 2013
Yesterday, State Librarian Stacey Aldrich, sent the below message to all public libraries in PA announcing a library broadband/internet survey that will be launched Monday, August 12. I and a team of broadband experts, will be working with Mrs. Aldrich on this project over the next month and we hope we can count on your participation!
-- Julie
From: Aldrich, Stacey []
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 6:19 PM
Dear Librarian,
I am excited to announce that over the next month we will be conducting a statewide survey of all public libraries to ascertain your current level of Internet connectivity and broadband capacity. This information will help guide us in our efforts to develop broadband policy initiatives in the coming year and will be extremely useful in educating others about the value of libraries as community technology anchors.
We realize that you are asked to complete other surveys throughout the year, but this survey is concise and targeted, with the goal of obtaining 100% participation and getting data about all library locations (main and branches) in Pennsylvania.
Here is how the survey will work. If your library is a member of a library system that coordinates and provides your Internet connectivity, we will be asking the library system to complete the survey for each of the member libraries. If your library is the member of a library system that does NOT coordinate and provide Internet connectivity or your library does not belong to a library system, we will be asking you to fill out the survey for each of your library locations (main and branches).
Our goal is to have the online survey ‘go live’ and announced on Monday, August 12. Because of its brevity and because we need this data as soon as possible, we ask that all surveys are completed before Friday, August 30.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in these data collection efforts. It is only through your help that we will have the data we need to provide further assistance to you.
Kindest Regards,
Stacey A. Aldrich | Deputy Secretary
Pennsylvania Department of Education | Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Forum 200 | 607 South Drive | Harrisburg PA 17120-0600
Office: 717-783-2466 | Fax: 717-783-3265 |
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
