E-rate and Tech Plan Trainings Scheduled at PETE & C!
January 28, 2013
This year there are two E-rate-related training sessions being held at the PETE & C Technology Conference in Hershey which is being held next week - February 10-13. The first is a 1-hour training for E-rate beginners, and the second is a 1-hour breakout session dealing with the new Comprehensive Planning Process and meeting the E-rate technology plan requirements. You may attend both if you are a paid attendee to the conference. Details for both sessions are below.
E-rate: Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Monday, February 11, 11:30 - 12:30
Room: Crystal A
If you're new to E-rate and would like a 1-hour crash course, please plan to attend this session. We’ll cover technology planning, competitive bidding, application submission, discounted bills/reimbursements, audits, where to get information, and more!
Comprehensive Planning Process and Tech Plans
Tuesday, February 12, 10:30 - 11:30
Room: Cocoa Suite 1
If you are a local education agency (LEA) in any Comprehensive Planning phase and you will be applying for E-rate discounts on priority 2 equipment or services within the next three years, you will want to attend this session on using Pennsylvania's new Comprehensive Planning Process to meet the E-rate requirements for technology planning.
For more information about the PETE & C conference and to register, go to: http://www.peteandc.org/index.cfm.
Hope to see you there!
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
