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CIPA Update on Off-Campus Filtering, BYOD
May 10, 2012

*** Please note, this is message 2 of 2 related to CIPA ***

~ CIPA Training Webinar - May 17 at 1:00 ~

Each week, I receive more questions about filtering of privately-owned devices and filtering of district-owned devices used off-campus than any other issue. While attending meetings with E-rate officials in Washington DC last week, we were provided some updated guidance and this message explains our most current understanding of the filtering requirements.

The law is clear that school/library owned devices need to be filtered when the school/library receives E-rate funding for Internet access or Priority 2 services. But whether district-owned devices (e.g., tablets, laptops) need to be filtered when used OFF school campus and not using the school's Internet access is an unsettled issue. Last year FCC staff unofficially stated that district or library-owned devices must to be filtered when used off campus (because the CIPA law refers to 'school-owned computers') and this is the guidance we have been issuing to applicants. At a meeting last week, the FCC stressed the “unofficial” nature of this previous comment and that this is still an open issue. The other open issue that they have previously outlined is whether privately-owned devices used on school campus must be filtered. They hope to seek broad public comment on these CIPA issues later this year. I and my fellow State E-rate Coordinators strongly urged the FCC that if the Commission issues rules or guidance affirming that district-owned devices must to be filtered when used off campus, it should have a no penalty/hold harmless clause.

CIPA Training Scheduled - May 17
In order to assist applicants with complying with the new CIPA requirements and understanding their requirements (filtering) under the existing CIPA law, a special CIPA webinar has been scheduled for Thursday, May 17 at 1:00. To attend, go to http://vclass.cciu.org and click on the course entitled: CIPA: Complying with the Original and New Requirements. No pre-registration is required and this is a free event.

Q & A
Based on this updated, unofficial guidance, below is a Q & A that seeks to clarify the most common CIPA questions:

1. Are school (or library) owned computers/devices used on-campus required to be filtered?
-- Yes.

2. Are school-owned computers/devices used off campus required to be filtered when using a privately-purchased (non-school) Internet connection?
-- The current rules do not specifically address this issue. The CIPA statute says all school owned computers must be filtered and does not distinguish between on campus and off campus use. While I recommend all school-owned computers be filtered wherever they're used, the issue appears to be 'open.'

3. Are privately-owned computers/devices using the school’s Internet access required to be filtered?
-- The FCC stated in August 2011 that they intend to request public comment in a future proceeding to consider whether CIPA/filtering applies to portable devices/computers owned by students/staff/library patrons when those devices are using Internet access that is funded by E-rate. No request for comment has been released by the FCC, although they hope to do so by the end of 2012.

4. Are privately-owned computers/devices using a privately-purchased Internet connection (not the school’s) required to be filtered when being used on campus?
-- The FCC has not addressed this issue. (While it may not be a CIPA requirement, it is an issue that every school should strongly consider addressing in their Internet Safety Policies.)

5. Does CIPA require that school-owned computers used by adults be filtered?
-- Yes, the law explicitly requires all computers be filtered, even those used by adults. Adults can request their computers to be unblocked for bona fide research or another lawful purpose for a specific period of time, but the filtering must be reactivated as soon as they are done.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at jtschell@comcast.net. I look forward to seeing you on May 17!

-- Julie

Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator

717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f

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