Time to File Your Form 470 for FY 2012!
November 8, 2011
Form 471 Application Window Dates - The FY 2012 Form 471 Window dates have not yet been set, but the USAC board has indicated that the estimated window opening will be the first week in January, with a close date in mid-March.
When to File Form 470 - Although the very last possible date to file a 470 is 29 days before the 471 window closes, do not wait this long to file. I encourage everyone to file their 470's before you leave for Thanksgiving recess which will then give you all of January to evaluate your bids, have your board approve contracts in February (if required by local policy), and then sign your contracts and file your 471 in February or early March. In mid-December, I'll be sending out a list of districts that haven't yet posted their 470's, so if you don't want to be on the list, file soon! Simply go to: http://www.sl.universalservice.org/menu.asp and click on 'Create Form 470.'
Changes to the Form 470 - At the end of the FY 2011 application cycle, a new version of the Form 470 was released which most applicants didn't see. A list of changes between the old 470 and the new 470 are contained in the attachment, which also provides a checklist of all information you'll need prior to posting your 470.
List Disqualification Reasons in Item 13 - At this year's training, USAC stated that if you want to disqualify vendors, you must list those disqualification reasons in Item 13 of your Form 470 (or in your RFP).
Below are some helpful reminders and answers to the most common Form 470 questions:
1) File in both the Telecom and Internet categories. If you are at all unsure which category of service you should choose on the 470, put the services in both. It never hurts to have your service description listed in too many places and provides you the maximum flexibility when selecting the correct category of service on your Form 471. If you are filing for Blackberry/Treo Internet/e-mail services, it's best to file in the both categories listing 'cellular service with data plans.' Also, if you're planning to request funding for dark fiber service, lit fiber service, or hosted VOIP service, these services also should be listed in both the telecom and Internet categories to ensure that all possible vendors (telecom and non-telecom vendors) are able to submit proposals.
2) Rebidding contracts and MTM services. Unless you are under a multi-year contract (that was originally competitively bid using a Form 470) that expires on or after June 30, 2013, YOU MUST POST A FORM 470 FOR EVERY SERVICE FOR WHICH YOU ARE SEEKING E-RATE DISCOUNTS.
3) Form 470's for multi-year contracts: If you posted a Form 470 in a previous year, and then signed a multi-year contract that expires on or after June 30, 2013, you are not required to file a Form 470 for FY 2012. If you wish to exercise a voluntary extension of a contract without posting a 470, you may only do so if your contract contains the terms of the voluntary extensions (meaning the exact number of years or dates that the extensions can be exercised and it's not just open-ended). Otherwise, you must post a Form 470 to extend the contract.
4) File online, even if you don't have a PIN. If you haven't received a PIN, file online, and then mail in your signature/certification page after you hit submit. The SLD will then mail you a PIN in a few weeks. There is no way to request a PIN unless you have first signed a paper certification.
5) Include all of your services on a single 470. There is no maximum number of 470's that you may submit, although it is a good idea to place all of your services on a single Form 470 because then you only have a single 470 number to keep track of for this year. However, there is no harm in filing two or more 470's. Also, there is no way to amend a 470 after it's been submitted. If you need to change your services, you need to file a new Form 470 (in which case your 28-day clock restarts).
6) Instead of using the print preview feature, after you've submitted your Form 470, go back to the "apply online" page and choose the "search posted" option. Then type-in your 470 number and print off a complete, clean copy of your application. At the top of the completed form it also will show you your allowable contract date (ACD), which is the first date you can sign contracts and file your 471.
7) The SLD's 470 guidance can be found at: http://www.universalservice.org/sl/applicants/step03/.
If you have any questions, please contact me at jtschell@comcast.net.
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
PA E-rate Coordinator
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
