FCC Approves New Forms 470 and 471
Message Posted November 23, 2010
~ Window Dates Estimated ~
The FCC has just announced the approval of the new Form 470 and Form 471. The new forms will not be available for use before January 11, 2011 but they are available for VIEWING ONLY at: http://www.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2010/db1119/DA-10-2218A2.pdf and http://www.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2010/db1119/DA-10-2218A4.pdf, respectfully. What does this mean?
1) The existing Form 470 can and should be used for FY 2011 services and I encourage you to file using the existing form in the next few weeks. Simply go to: http://www.sl.universalservice.org/menu.asp and click on 'Create Form 470.' When the new 470 is available, it will simply show up online to replace the current version. The main difference between the old 470 and the new 470 is that several unused boxes and sections have been removed (MTM/contract/multi-year contract checkboxes, BEAR/SPI preference question, ineligible entities section, necessary resources checkboxes, & the area codes and phone pre-fixes section).
2) The Form 471 filing window dates have not yet been announced, but based on the FCC announcement, we know the window will not open before January 11, 2011. If the filing window continues to be 70-75 days, the final day to submit 471s for FY 2011 could fall within the week of March 20. I will share the exact dates as soon as they are announced.
3) The most significant change created by the new Form 471 is the requirement that Item 21 attachments will now be required to be submitted before the close of the Form 471 window. This change makes one more reason to file your E-rate applications early and not wait until the last minute.
And finally, I want to wish you and your family a very special Thanksgiving. I am thankful to count so many of you as my friends and colleagues. All the best to you!
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
