2010 E-Fund Guidelines Now Available
Message Posted August 16, 2010
In November 2004, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 183 which created an annual $10 million E-Fund to assist schools with purchasing telecommunications services, hardware, technical assistance and distance education. This marks the final year for the E-Fund initiative. The Pennsylvania Department of Education has just released the E-Fund Grant Guidelines for 2010-2011 (attached) and the online application is available at: http://egrants.ed.state.pa.us. The deadline to submit proposals is October 29, 2010 at 2 p.m. EST, with the anticipated announcement date of E-Fund grant awards on December 10, 2010. Several webinars have been scheduled to assist applicants as follows:
* August 18, 2010 1pm EST - Webinar for New Applicants
* August 25, 2010 1pm EST - eRate and E-Fund Webinar
* September 1, 2010 1pm EST - Webinar for Continuation Applicants
Because many of the services eligible for E-Fund reimbursement are also E-rate eligible, you will see that the grant guidelines are written in a manner which will satisfy the requirements of both programs. Please read the E-Fund grant guidelines closely and if you have any E-rate-specific questions, please feel free to e-mail me at jtschell@comcast.net. If you have E-Fund-specific questions, please submit those questions to RA-Act183@state.pa.us.
-- Julie
-----Original Message-----
To: Superintendents, IU Executive Directors
CC: Technology Directors
From: Dr. Ed Vollbrecht, Director
Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support
Date: August 12, 2010
PDE is pleased to announce that the guidelines for the 2010 Act 183 E-Fund competitive grants are now available at < http://tinyurl.com/act183>
This year's guidelines are designed to improve the application process and include a copy of the actual grant application, an expanded communications plan section and a budget narrative section. Additionally, since this is the final year of the grant, the guidelines reflect that only single-year applications will be accepted.
As a reminder, no uploads will be permitted in the application. Applicants are required to submit two CDs postmarked by October 29, 2010, and mailed with return receipt to:
E-Fund Attachments
James Beeghley / Amy Munro
PDE - Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support
333 Market Street 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
The CD will contain the following information:
* Copy of each RFP submitted, including any addenda, in PDF format
* Network diagram and security diagram in PDF format
* E-Fund Grant Technology Survey in an Excel spreadsheet
Please be sure to label the CDs with the name of the lead LEA.
The actual online E-Fund grant application, available at http://egrants.ed.state.pa.us, will be available on August 13 and will close on October 29th at 2pm EST. Application proposals will be reviewed and scored in November with the grant awards announced on December 10th.
We will be holding informational webinars on the following dates to review the guidelines and application process:
* August 18, 2010 1pm EST - Webinar for New Applicants
* August 25, 2010 1pm EST - eRate and E-Fund Webinar
* September 1, 2010 1pm EST - Webinar for Continuation Applicants
Should you have any questions, please contact us at: RA-Act183@state.pa.us
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
