Tips for Filing the FY 2010 Form 486
Message Posted June 2, 2010
~ Example 486 pages with comments attached ~
For the 590+ PA schools and libraries that have been funded so far in Funding Year 2010, the next step is to file the Form 486. Please keep in mind that only FRNs that have been funded can be listed on a Form 486. Below are tips to help you complete the form. If you are filing the 486 before July 1, please take careful note of the first 'specific tip' about item 6A listed below. Also, attached are pertinent pages from the Form 486 with helpful comments inserted about which boxes you need to check and which ones to skip.
The Form 486 has 3 functions:
a) It informs the SLD that they are authorized to pay invoices (either BEAR or SPIFs);
b) It informs the SLD that your technology plan has been approved and tells them the name of the SLD-certified approver; and
c) It informs the SLD that your school or library is CIPA compliant.
1) If your technology plan has not yet been approved by PDE or other certified approver, you may not file the 486 until it has been approved.
2) For applicants requesting discounted bills this year, most service providers require the SLD notification that the applicant has filed the 486 before they can begin discounting your bills. So the sooner you file this form, the better.
3) The 486 should be filed electronically under the "apply online" section of the SLD's website at Use the "Create Form 486" version.
4) All of the information you need to complete the Form 486 is available on your Funding Commitment Decision Letter or your FY 2010 Form 471. You'll need: Your Entity Number, FRN #s, and SPIN #s.
5) As with the Form 470 and 471, you can eCertify the Form 486 and I encourage you to do so.
6) To print a copy of your submitted Form 486, go back to the "apply online" area, and click on "display." You'll need your 486 number and security code to access your submitted Form. PRINT YOUR SECURITY CODE WHEN IT APPEARS ON THE SCREEN.
7) Specific Tips for Completing the 486 (also see attached example):
* Check Item 6A if you file the 486 before July 1, 2010. If you file the 486 on or after July 1, then you can ignore this box.
* Skip Items 6B and 6C if you're CIPA compliant.
* Item 7, Column F: Service Start Date should generally list 07/01/2010.
* Item 11A: If you are a single school, district or library (not a consortium), and you are CIPA compliant, you should only check 11A on that page (skip the rest). Items 11 D, E, F, & G are for consortium applicants only.
If you have any questions as you are completing this form, please contact me at
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
