Reminder: E-rate Form 470 Training Today at 1:00
Message Posted November 10, 2009
On Tuesday, November 10 (today) from 1-3, a Form 470 training webinar will be held at No pre-registration is required and all PA schools and libraries are welcome to attend. If you have any questions or topics you'd like to have addressed during the webinar, please e-mail them to before noon today.
The Form 470 is the first E-rate form to be filed in the application cycle and its purpose is to advertise E-rate eligible services needed by schools and libraries for vendors to see and potentially respond to. Although the last day to file a Form 470 is 29 days before the Form 471 deadline, schools and libraries are encouraged to file the Form 470s before Thanksgiving break, if possible. To assist applicants with the completion of this form, a specialized training session is being held that focuses on E-rate eligibility issues and filing the Online Form 470. These topics will be discussed:
* What services fall into which category
* Which items should you skip and which items should you be sure not to miss
* How many entities should be listed as billed entities?
* What should be listed in Item 13 as restrictions on bidders?
* What is the last possible deadline to file a Form 470?
* What if you make a mistake on a 470?
* What should you do when vendors contact you in response to a 470?
* What items am I required to keep related to the 470 and for how long?
* There will be ample time for Q & A!
For individuals that may not be familiar with webinars, you simply log-in to a pre-announced website where you will view the training online from the comfort of your own computer. Detailed instructions are listed below in order to participate the day of the event.
I look forward to joining you this afternoon!
-- Julie
Please go to and click on the NAME OF MEETING link under the Meeting Name Column. (You may join the room 30 minutes prior to the start time).
Connect your speakers, microphone and/or headset before joining the Webinar.
Go to: and locate the course.
Use your First and Last Name as your Login Name and click "Log In" (there is no password for this session).
You will automatically be taken to the Elluminate Session where the presentation will be held.