Thursday, February 12, is Last Day to File 471s for Year 12!
Message Posted February 10, 2009
This is your final reminder that the Year 12 Form 471 Filing Window closes at 11:59 p.m. EST Thursday, February 12! Congratulations to the 809 entities that have already submitted. A few quick reminders:
1) SLD Website Problems: Some applicants have been reporting SLD website system errors or rapid time-out issues and applicants are asked to contact CSB at 888-203-8100 to report the problem (please also let me know so I can determine if it's a system-wide failure).
Without fail, you can expect the SLD's online system to grow increasingly slow over the next 2 days due to the high traffic volume being placed on the SLD servers at the end of the window. If you receive an error, exit the 471 and try again. If you experience unbearably slow response times on the website, try to submit your application late at night or early in the morning before Californians rise and shine.
2) Calling CSB: If you call the SLD's Client Service Bureau (888-203-8100) this week (8am - 8pm M-W, and 8am - midnight Thurs), hit '0' when you reach the recording to reach a live agent. Don't leave a message because I understand they don't have a good track record of returning those calls.
3) Correcting a Mistake: If you have made an error on your 471, you can correct it 1 of 2 ways:
a/ Submit a new 471 before the Feb. 12 deadline with a new, correct FRN, and then cancel the original erroneous FRN when the Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) arrives. -- OR --
b/ Wait and just correct the mistake on the RAL. You are now permitted to increase your funding request using the RAL.
4) Item 21 Attachments: Item 21 attachments do not need to be submitted or postmarked by the close of the window. But the 471 and 471 certification page must be postmarked or submitted online February 12, 2009 11:59 EST.
5) NCES Codes: If your school doesn't have an NCES code -- leave it blank! If you've already looked on the NCES spreadsheet ( and your school doesn't have one, leave it blank on the form. You'll get a pop-up reminder, just hit OK and proceed with your application. Also, only school buildings have NCES codes -- non-instructional facilities (NIFs) do not.
6) If you don't have a PIN: You can submit your 471 online even if you don't have a PIN. Hit submit, then print out the paper certification and mail it to the SLD by Thursday, February 12. The SLD will then mail you a PIN about 2 weeks later that you can use to certify all future E-rate applications.
E-mail me if you need assistance. Happy Filing!
Julie Tritt Schell
