The FCC announced this week that $650 million in unused E-rate funds from prior years will be added to the Year 10 (FY 2007) E-rate funding cap, raising it from $2.25 billion to $2.9 billion. This is great news for Year 10 priority 2 applicants because with only the $2.25 billion cap, funding likely would have only reached the 86 or 85% discount level. With the increase in funding, we expect that requests at the 80% level, and maybe even lower, will be funded.
The unused funds are the result of committed dollars from previous years that are unspent due to reduction in costs, decisions not to proceed with a project, missed filing deadlines, or overestimation of original requests.
Although unlikely, there is a small possibility that there may be enough funding to grant requests filed outside of the Form 471 filing window. Under the rules of priority, all requests submitted within the window are funded first, and then if funds remain, applications received outside of the window will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis (regardless of discount level or category of funding).
If you would like to submit a Form 471 and reserve your slot in the remote chance that funding will be available for out-of-window-filed applications, you should submit it ASAP. The Form 471 Interview format is still active or you may use the paper Form 471. Regardless, it will be 12+ months until we know if any funding is available to fund out-of-the-window requests.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Hope you're enjoying your summer!
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
