Form 470's Posted, Now What?
Message Posted January 12, 2007
Congratulations to the more than 1000 PA applicants that filed Form 470's this year!
What Should I Do Now? Start your 471! I strongly encourage you to begin your Form 471 online by completing Blocks 1 - 4 and 6. Then after the 29 day waiting period has expired, you can complete Block 5 with the relevant vendor, 470 and contract information. Don't forget to save your 471 number and security code when you exit the incomplete application so you can return and finish it. Also, I encourage everyone to use the "Create Form 471" option instead of the Interview version of the form. There seem to be fewer bugs.
When Will PDE's NSLP Data Be Released?
I understand it will be released on or about January 22 and I will post it immediately to the website and send a message to the listserve.
What's Next?
After the Form 470 is posted, there is a mandatory 28 day (minimum) waiting period during which vendors may submit proposals to you for consideration and/or contact you for more information relating to the services you listed on your Form 470. During this time, you are not permitted to select a vendor, sign a contract or submit a 471. Then, on the 29th day after you posted your 470 (or after), you can do the three S's:
* Select a vendor,
* Sign contracts (if appropriate), and
* Submit your 471.
I soon will be sending 3 separate e-mails, each dealing with one of these S topics.
Form 471 deadline is February 7. Happy Filing!
Julie Tritt Schell
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
