Attention Vendors: Do you have User IDs and Passwords?
Message Posted December 5, 2006
~ Applicants, please forward to your vendors ~
Are you ready to certify new Online BEARs? The new E-rate Online BEAR system is now operational, but in order for schools and libraries to use it, their vendors must have a functional User ID and Password, and an updated e-mail address on file with USAC. Without these items, applicants will unknowingly file their Online BEARs, which will languish in SLD outer space until they are automatically rejected 15 days later for lack of vendor certification.
So before we begin to actively encourage Pennsylvania applicants to use the new Online BEAR system (which is amazingly easy, by the way), we want to make sure as many Pennsylvania vendors as possible have their User IDs and Passwords in-hand and have updated e-mail addresses on file with USAC.
How do vendors obtain User IDs and Passwords?
USAC issues a User ID and sets up an account after successfully processing a service provider’s paper Form 498 (Service Provider Identification Number and Contact Information Form). The valid e-mail address that a vendor provides when it files or updates its Form 498 becomes the User ID after USAC successfully processes your form and sets up your account. Password information is provided by USAC E-File administrators via email to the vendor after the signed form is received.
Vendors can then use USAC's E-File system to change or reset passwords, or to set up additional users with access to the Online BEAR system. To file or update a Form 498, see E-file User’s Guide. If you need additional help or need to find out if you have a USAC ID and Password, call the USAC Customer Support Group at 888-641-8722.
Thank you for your support of Pennsylvania's schools and libraries and of the E-rate program.
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
717-730-7133 - o
717-730-9060 - f
