Year 8 (2005-2006) Updates
Message Posted April 21, 2006
As Year 9 commitments are poised to flow, I wanted to provide an update on Funding Year 8 which appears to be winding down.
Year 8 Recent Commitments
In recent weeks, very few PA applicants have been funded, and so I've waited to provide you with a list of those funded entities in this message. For priority 1 services, there are very, very few entities that have pending applications and therefore I likely will not continue sending weekly wave notices for Year 8 unless a large wave is issued for priority 2 services.
Year 8, Wave 41
Bald Eagle Area $$12,037.42
Wave 42
South Eastern School District $28,798.35
Wave 43
Kids Peace Diagnostic School $14,980.67
Kids Peace National Center $306,614.71
Multi-cultural Academy Charter School $114,642.00
Wave 44 - No PA applicants funded
Year 8 Priority 2 Funding Threshold Still at 88%
Internal Connections funding remains at the 88% discount threshold level, although there is still a good chance that the funding threshold will reach at least 85% or below. Several large, statewide applications are still being reviewed and after they are decided, the SLD will have a better idea of what funding remains and how much funding is available for applicants below 88%.
Year 8 Missing FCDLs
We recently learned that due to an SLD error, funding commitment letters for several recent Year 8 waves (waves 35 and 40) were not mailed. Those FCDLs are being reissued next week and will contain an updated date. This is good news for applicants funded in wave 35 because the new FCDL date will be after March 1, which will automatically give those applicants until 9/30/2007 to install their priority 2 services/equipment. Below is a list of the affected applicants from both waves.
Year 8, Wave 35
B F Jones Memorial Library $ 2,835.00
Discovery Charter School $ 12,106.80
Imani Education Circle $119,884.50
Intermediate Unit 13 $258,684.21
Raising Horizons Quest Charter School $ 17,396.10
Village Charter School $ 85,784.40
Wyomissing Area School Dist $114,407.93
Year 8, Wave 40
Bethlehem Center SD $27,294.55
Devereux Foundation $94,910.45
Eagles Nest Christian Academy $257,262.30
Hanover Area SD $4,309.20
Harrisburg City SD $616,609.57
Holy Family Institute $76,829.00
Holy Name HS $6,836.76
Keating Building Corporation $335,471.61
North Clarion County SD $6,965.01
Our Lady of the Angels $2,203.25
Panther Valley HS $7,348.03
St. Benedict School $2,550.00
West Branch Area SD $23,666.33
West Greene SD $24,098.12
West Phila. Achive CS $125,998.20
Western Wayne SD $68,124.00
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
