File Form 470 Before Leaving for the Holidays!
Message posted December 21, 2005
If you haven't done so already, you'll want to post your E-rate Form 470 before your school or library closes for the holidays. Although the very last possible date to file a 470 is January 18 (29 days before the 471 window closes on Feb. 16), you don't want to wait this long to file, as it will only give you one day to open bids, evaluate proposals, sign contracts, and file your 471 inside the window. DON'T PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER -- DO IT NOW (please!)
So far, 1,210 Form 470's have been posted in PA (good job!), but it's a small number compared to the 1,970 Form 470's posted for funding year 2005. On January 3, I'll be sending out my infamous list of districts that haven't posted their 470's, so if you don't want to be on my list, file now!
To post a Form 470, go to: and click on 'Create Form 470.'
Helpful 470 Reminders:
* Item 7a and b: There is no harm in checking 7 a and b and all of the boxes under 7b (that you are seeking MTM services and/or contracted services and/or multi-year contracts and/or multi-year contracts with voluntary extensions). In fact, if you intend to sign a multi-year contract or a contract with voluntary extensions, you MUST check 7b and its associated boxes.
* If you indicate that you have an RFP available, you now also must describe the services in the 'description of services' section of the 470 (in order to provide vendors with an indication of whether they want to request a copy of the RFP). And for that description, you can't just list "see RFP" but you could say "LAN wiring for Johnson Elementary School as outlined in RFP."
* File this form online, even if you don't have a PIN. If you haven't received a PIN, file online, and then mail in your signature/certification page after you hit submit.
* You must keep all winning and losing proposals for 5 years.
* You also must keep track of the evaluation process you used to select the winning proposal. Don't forget... you may have as many criteria as you like, but price (alone) must be the heaviest weighted factor. For example, if you have 4 criteria that you are using to judge proposals, price must be at least 26% of the weight, will all others being 25% or less.
* Instead of using the print preview feature, after you've submitted your 470, go back to the "apply online" page and choose the "search posted" option. Then type in your 470 number and print off a complete, clean copy of your application.
* The SLD's 470 reminders can be found at:
If you have any questions, please contact me at
Happy holidays, E-rate Guru's!
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
