Changes and Updates for E-rate Year 9 (2006-2007)
Message posted November 21, 2005
When will the Funding Year 9 (2006-2007) Form 471 window open?
The 471 window typically opens in early November and closes in early - mid February. Because the FCC has not yet given their blessing on the Year 9 Eligible Services List, the Form 471 window cannot open. And technically the window cannot open until 60 days after the ESL is approved, but we believe the FCC will waive this rule when the do finally approve the ESL. My best guess is that if the window does not open before December 15, it likely will not open until January 2006.
When will the Form 471 window close?
This depends when the window opens, of course, but the SLD board has approved a 70 day window, which could push the window closing back to later than usual. Unfortunately, if the window is closed too late, it will delay the release of funding commitment letters yet another year. I'll keep you posted.
When should I file my Form 470?
NOW! Don't wait for the Form 471 window to open and certainly don't wait until the December holidays to file. The actual deadline, of course, will be 29 days prior to the close of the Year 9 Form 471 window, but it's never a good idea to wait that long. At my training classes this year I encouraged everyone to file their Form 470 before they leave for the Thanksgiving recess. If you can't meet this goal, then try to do it as soon as you return from break.
Is it possible for me to view the Year 9 veterans training?
Yes! Thanks to IU 11, there is an online archive of E-rate Veterans training at: (click on PA Dept. of Education on left side of page). Enlarge the PowerPoint on screen so you don't have to look at the video of the presenter (me) for 90 minutes. Copies of PowerPoint presentations from both the veterans and beginners training sessions are available at
In a nutshell, what are the changes to the Year 9 Form 470?
Please refer to a previous E-rate listserve message that outlines these changed in detail: The most important change is Item 7b: There are now 2 new boxes which ask if you are seeking a multi-year contract and/or one that features voluntary extensions. If you intend to or would like the option to sign a multi-year contract and/or have any extensions in your contract, you MUST check these boxes, otherwise they will not approve your application for that contract in the extension years. Also, if you have a current multi-year contract with options to renew, you must post a new 470 for the optional years, UNLESS your previous 470 or RFP contained the renewal provisions.
Do you have any reminders for Year 9?
Letters of Agency: If you are the lead member of a consortium, remember that you MUST have an LOA signed and dated, with the title of the person who signed the form included, before the Form 471 is filed. The SLD is being very strict about this rule recently and requesting to see a copy of the LOA for every member of your consortium. Also, the LOA should be specific for the services being requested (don't just say telecom services) and should list the dates that the LOA is effective (for services delivered July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009, for example).
Dual Contract Signature Dates: If you are signing a contract for services, the SLD also is being very strict about contract signatures. The contract must be signed and dated by both parties before the Form 471 is submitted.
Online Item 21 Attachments: I'll provide more information about this when the Form 471 window opens, but I'm giving you the heads up now that I hope everyone tries to use this new tool. There's a brief demo of it in the archive training material and the live version, of course, will not be available until the 471 window opens.
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
