Year 8 (FY 2005-2006), Wave 17 E-rate Funding Committed
* Have you registered yet for Year 9 training?* http://www.sl.universalservice.org/FY3_form471/471StatusCheck.asp). THE SLD IS REVIEWING APPLICATIONS ON AN EXTREMELY SLOW BASIS THIS YEAR. THERE WILL BE MANY, MANY MORE WAVES, SO IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN FUNDED YET FOR YEAR 8, DON'T PANIC.
This form tells the SLD 3 things:
1) that they are authorized to pay invoices (either BEAR or SPIFs)
2) that your technology plan has been approved (and by which SLD-certified approver)
3) that you were CIPA compliant by July 1, 2005.
For applicants requesting discounted bills this year, the service provider must receive a copy of the 486 approval letter before they can begin discounting your bills. So the sooner you file this form, the better.
The 486 can be filed electronically under the "apply online" section of the SLD's website at www.sl.universalservice.org (on the right side toolbar). You can submit this form electronically even if you don't have a PIN number. If that's the case, simply hit submit, then print out the signature page and mail that to the SLD. If you would prefer to file the paper form, it's located on the SLD's website under the "SLD Forms" section (on the left side toolbar).
Because the start of the funding year has begun (July 1), you should skip item 6A on the Form 486 (for early filing). Also, if you're CIPA compliant, you can also skip boxes 6B and 6C.
If you have any questions, please contact me at jtschell@comcast.net.
E-rate Year 8, Wave 17
Applicant Amount
Altoona Area School District $ 70,686.28
Archdiocese Philadelphia Schs $ 87,658.08
Bellefonte Area School Dist $ 6,640.20
Borough Of New Cumberland $ 1,983.74
Butler County Federated Library System $ 14,931.22
Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 $ 62,518.57
Carnegie Free Library $ 8,544.00
Central Fulton School District $ 27,191.05
Conewago Valley School Dist $ 21,842.11
County Of Cumberland $ 5,250.00
Donegan Elementary School $ 720.00
Fairfield Area School District $ 21,412.50
Greater Nanticoke Ar Sch Dist $ 29,347.20
Hamburg Area School District $ 33,472.44
Imani Education Circle $ 30,205.98
Intermediate Unit 18 $ 22,565.95
Juniata County School District $ 12,960.00
Lower Dauphin School District $ 57,131.40
Memorial Library Of Radnor Twp $ 1,460.35
Midd-West School District $ 40,300.47
North Schuylkill School Dist $ 5,964.15
Northern Bedford Co Sch Dist $ 20,016.70
Pottsgrove School District $ 11,985.12
Sacred Heart School $ 1,671.12
Saucon Valley School District $ 31,359.12
Shippensburg Area Sch District $ 36,553.29
Southern Fulton School Dist $ 21,618.00
Springfield Twp School Dist $ 25,685.42
St Patrick School $ 1,631.22
Steelton-Highspire School Dist $ 19,177.04
The Young Scholars Charter School $ 5,540.03
Union Library Company-Hatboro $ 1,089.56
Upper Perkiomen School Dist $ 41,340.60
Warwick School District $ 38,040.00
West Perry School District $ 42,540.00
Wilmington Area School Dist $ 10,775.49
Woodland Hills School District $ 27,693.88
Wyoming Valley West District $ 260,129.68
Yeadon Public Library $ 1,248.00
Year 8, Wave 17 Total $1,160,879.96
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
