Which Entities Have Uncertified Year 8 Form 470's
Message Posted February 8, 2005
In a recent update, I listed all of the documents that must be submitted to
the SLD by February 18. The following reference has generated many
**** The Block 5 certification of any Form 470 cited in a Funding Year 8
Form 471 with the signature of the authorized person (whether electronic or
paper) must be submitted to the SLD by February 18, 2005.****
This was included as a reminder to everyone who submitted a Year 8 Form 470,
but forgot to send in their certification/signature pages. If you already
sent them in (or eCertified), then you DO NOT have to resend them.
I have attached a spreadsheet showing which entities have 470's that haven't
yet been certified. Last year, 3% of all E-rate denials (across the
country) were due to untimely filed 470 certifications. Please just make
sure that your entity is not on this list.
If your entity's name IS on the list, perhaps you mean for the 470 to die on
the vine, or you mailed it and the SLD just hasn't entered it into their
system yet. If neither of these are the case, then go to the SLD website at
http://www.sl.universalservice.org/menu.asp, and click on "Certify Complete"
under the 470 column of the online application page. It will let you print
off another certification to sign and mail (by Feb. 18).
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
