Register for PA's New Education Technology Conference
Message Posted January 7, 2004
Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE and
February 23 - 24, 2004
In an effort to help schools best utilize time and monetary resources, the
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is partnering with a strong group
of state organizations to demonstrate the best practices essential to
integrating technology into the classroom.
Approximately 18 months ago, PDE along with the Pennsylvania Educational
Technology Conference (PETC), the Pennsylvania Association for Educational
Communication and Technology (PAECT), the Pennsylvania Intermediate Unit
Instructional Materials Services Directors (PAIMS), and the Pennsylvania
Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) joined together to form a
single educational technology experience that would leverage the programs
and vendors from their respective conferences into a single event. The
result is the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE
and C).
In addition to the organizations above, a number of other organizations are
teaming with the PETE and C organization to expand the scope and content of
the event. Major partners include, A Community of Agile
Partners in Education (CAPE), and The e-Pennsylvania Alliance.
More than 140 vendors will be exhibiting at the 2004 PETE & C event, and
approximately 140 educational sessions will be held during the two-day event
in Hershey, PA on February 23 and 24th, with a pre-conference event being
held on February 22nd, 2004.
To register and learn details of the pre-conference and conference sessions,
go to
Pre-conference sessions include ½ day and full day training as well as
hands-on computer labs for a rich learning experience. Conference session
topics range from Strategies for Successfully Integrating Student Multimedia
Projects into Your Curriculum to Funding & Other Issues of Technology
Implementation District-Wide to Integrating Tablet PC’s Into Business
Education. Sessions are designed to attract educators, administrators as
well as technology professionals. Act 48 credits are available to
certificated attendees, and accounting CPE credits are available for school
business officials.
Pennsylvania Secretary of Education Dr. Vicki Phillips, Dr. Gilly Salmon
(internationally renown expert on distance learning from the British Open
University, England), and Michael Golden, Director of the Office of
Educational Technology are scheduled speakers at PETE & C.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
