PDE Releases Tech Plan Amendment Process/Template
Message Posted December 4, 2003
In October I sent a message explaining the SLD's new rules regarding technology plans and how they are expecting them to be more specific than in previous years. In order to assist districts with amending their currently technology plan to include services that are being requested for E-rate, but which may not be in your technology, PDE has developed an extremely simple
tech plan amendment template.
The template is available on the main page of the eTechPlanner website. It is in an editable PDF format which can be e-mailed back to PDE upon completion. (Details for submission are listed below and are included in the template.) You'll see that the template provides for a
very brief description of the service, then asks the 5 criteria the SLD requires: Goals, Assessment, Professional Development, Budget and Assessment.
Don't forget, the amendment process is only necessary if your current plan doesn't mention the items that are or will be in your Year 7 E-rate application. Most common omissions are centrex service and voice mail service. Basic phone service and long distance (including cell phones and
paging services) are NOT required to be included in your plan.
Instructions for Opening, Completing, and Submitting a Technology Plan Amendment for E-Rate Funding purposes
The Technology Plan Amendment template is an editable PDF document. If you are unable to open and edit an Adobe PDF, a free download of Adobe Acrobat Reader (necessary for opening and editing PDF files) is available at www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
Instructions for completing the amendment are included in the Amendment file. If you are unable to complete and submit electronically, use the template as a guide to create a separate document to submit via fax to your certified technology plan approver. Retain the original for your records. NOTE: Electronic submission is preferred by PDE.
The completed amendment should be saved and renamed to include your entity's name and AUN (e.g. Tech Plan Amend for Pleasantville SD 123456789). The file should then be sent to ra-edtech@state.pa.us with the complete file name in the subject line.
If you are unable to file electronically, paper amendments should be faxed to your certified technology plan approver. For those entities that submit their technology plans to PDE, please fax amendments to the Office of Educational Technology at 717.783.5420.
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
