E-rate Workshops for Beginners and Veterans Scheduled -- Register Now
Message Posted October 3, 2003
Due to the high numbers of school and library personnel new to the E-rate program, AND the significant changes that are coming for Year 7, several workshops are being held this fall to assist new and old E-rate applicants. There will be a total of six workshops held -- two in each of three locations. The beginners training will last the first 2/3 of the day and the veterans training will last the last 1/3 of the day. Please only register for one of the two -- not both. If you attend the beginners workshops, the changes for Year 7 will be included in that training.
Likewise, if you are a veteran, please don't sign up for the beginners training. Seating is very limited, so register early.
There is no fee to attend any workshops, but we do reserve the right to charge you $35 if you do not show up in order to cover costs.
If you are attending the beginners' session, you must commit to attending the entire training. In exchange for this commitment, you will receive a comprehensive 3-inch E-rate Binder that contains copies of the powerpoint presentation, fact sheets, forms, sample letters, etc.
Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m., with the workshop running from 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., with one very short break.
Veterans will receive a series of handouts germane to the changes for Year 7. Check-in will begin at 1:30, with the workshop running from 2:00 - 4:00.
The workshops will be held at these three central locations:
Capital Area Intermediate Unit 15 in Summerdale (Harrisburg area): Tuesday,
October 28. Directions can be found on IU 15's website.
Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (Philadelphia area): Friday, October
31. Directions can be found on IU 23's website.
Westmoreland County Intermediate Unit 7 (Pittsburgh area): Monday, November
10. Directions can be found on IU 7's website.
In order to reserve your seat, you must pre-register. Due to limited seating, if your organization would like to send more than one representative, the second representative will be placed on a waiting list until we determine if enough seats remain. The second representative will be e-mailed prior to the event. Likewise, walk-ins to the trainings likely will find that there are no seats available, so please be sure to register early to guarantee yourself a seat. Please only register one person per e-mail.
Send one e-mail PER person attending, with the following information to: llarkin@state.pa.us
First Name
Last Name
Entity Representing
Phone #
Location and Date of Training:
Beginners OR Veterans Training:
An e-mail confirmation will be sent back to you confirming your seat.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
