SLD Can Grant BEAR Extensions
Message Posted October 22, 2002
I have spoken with several districts that are having difficulty with getting their service provider to sign and return BEAR signature pages. If you are getting nervous about not being able to meet the Oct. 28 postmark deadline, you are allowed to apply for an extension of this deadline. There are directions below on where to e-mail or fax your request.
A few other points:
* There are NO extensions permitted for the filing of the 486.
* If you want a signature for an AT&T FRN, simply go to their website and print it out www.att.com/erate . They have made it very simple (just click on Signed BEAR Form).
* If you are receiving discounted bills, you do NOT file a BEAR. In that case, your service provider files a SPIF (service provide invoice form). Applicants can use the FRN Extension Table (located under "Apply Online" in the far right column) to determine if their deadline for postmarking an invoice to the SLD has been extended. Applicants whose deadlines have been extended should locate the Funding Request Number (FRN) in the table and then look to the far right of the FRN to find the extended deadline for postmarking an invoice to the SLD.
To request an invoice deadline extension, send a letter to the SLD detailing your request and including the following information:
Contact Person name
Contact Information (including e-mail address)
Form 471 Application Number
Funding Request Number (FRN)
Service Provider Name
Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN)
SLC Invoice Number (If known)
Amount of Invoice
Reason for Invoice Deadline Extension request
Requests may be filed electronically, either by e-mail or fax. Requests filed by e-mail must be submitted to sldcorrespondenceunit@sl.universalservice.org . Documents filed by e-mail can be submitted in any widely used word processing format, such as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), Word or WordPerfect. The SLD will automatically reply to incoming e-mails to confirm receipt. This e-mail address can only be used for requests.
Requests filed by fax must be faxed to 973-599-6542. The fax transmission should include a cover sheet listing contact name, phone number, and — if available — an e-mail address.
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
