PDE Files Comments on E-rate to FCC
Message Posted April 5, 2002
As you know, the Office of Educational Technology has worked hard over the last 5 years to serve as an advocate for PA E-rate applicants and to make positive changes to the program. We participate in weekly conference calls with the FCC, SLD and the E-rate coordinators in approx. 30 other states, confiring on issues and making regular suggestions on ways to improve the program.
Most recently, the Department of Education has filed comments on 25 separate issues with the FCC. While most of you don't get the opportunity to hear our weekly comments and suggestions, we thought you might be interested in what we had to say in this official filing. Please keep in mind that we attempted to represent the interests of PA applicants, as well as fairness and sustainability of the program.
PA's comments can be viewed on the FCC's website at:
In addition, if you're interested in viewing what others have posted, go to:
and type in 02-6 in the Proceeding box, then click 'Retrieve Document List.' This will bring up all comments posted in response to the FCC's call for comments.
If you read a posting, either from PA or another commenter, and either agree or disagree with a certain position someone has taken, you will have until May 6 to submit reply comments to the FCC at: http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/upload_v2.cgi
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
