Thursday is Final Day to Submit Comments on the E-rate Program to the FCC
Message Posted April 1, 2002
As we mentioned at the beginning of March, the FCC has asked you for input on the E-rate program, and the deadline to submit comments is this Thursday, April 4.
Submitting comments is very simple, as you simply type your thoughts into a Word Document, go to the FCC website, and upload your Word document. There is no minimum or maximum words or pages, and you are not required to comment strictly on questions the FCC has requested comment on. For example, if you are concerned that it takes too long to receive appeal funding, you should comment on that issue even though the FCC didn't mention it in their notice.
I have listed two items below.
1) Easy instructions on how to file your comments electronically
2) Some specific questions the FCC has raised that you may want to consider
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
-- Julie
Submitting Comments to the FCC - Method and Format
Via the web:By far the easiest way to submit comments. Go to:
http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/upload_v2.cgi and complete the cover
sheet, using 02-6 as the Proceeding Number. Then click 'browse' to find the
file on your computer that contains your comments. The following formats are acceptable: MS Word 6.0 and higher, MS Excel 4.0 and higher, Word Perfect 5.1 and higher, ASCII Text,
and Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Finally, click "Send Attached File to FCC."
All other procedures for submitting comments are cumbersome and not recommended. Be sure to use the following template for your comments.
Template for Comments to the FCC
Before the Federal Communications FCC
Washington, D.C.
In the Matter of:
Schools and Libraries Universal Service CC Docket No. 02-6 Support Mechanism Comments on Notice of Proposed Rule Making Submitted by <Name of School or Library>
<Your Comments Inserted Here (include subheadings where possible)>
Respectfully submitted,
Specific Questions Asked by the FCC
What changes to the eligible services list should be made improve program operation and oversight of the program?
Should the SLD make available an online list of all approved products/services? If so, should this list be incorporated into the Form 471?
In particular, should there be changes to the eligibility of Wide Area Networks, wireless services, and voice mail?
Should service providers be required to give applicants the option of discounted bills or the BEAR reimbursement process?
Should the FCC require providers to turn-over reimbursement funding within 20 days? What should happen if they don't?
Should the FCC set a time limit on the number of years that E-rate discounted equipment cannot be transferred or sold?
Should entities be restricted from applying for internal connections for a certain number of years? (In an effort to drive Priority 2 funding to other entities).
Should applicants be allowed to share excess bandwidth with other entities providing educational services during non-school hours?
What are the reasons for funding to go committed, yet unspent each year and what changes could be made to reduce this amount?
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
