Year 4: Wave 15 (Final) E-rate Funding Commitments Mailed
Message Posted March 15, 2002
~ Internal Connections Reached 86% Discount Level ~
Congratulations to the following 7 Pennsylvania schools that will be receiving Year 4, Wave 15 E-rate Funding Commitment Letters worth more than $1,307,000. This should be the final Year 4 funding wave (excluding appeals, of course). In all, Pennsylvania received $66,525,839 in Year 4
E-rate funding (including appeals thus far), with an average award being $56,377.
Important Points:
* A very few number of applications are still being reviewed by the SLD and they will be contacting those individual applicants personally to give them an update.
* This wave is being mailed after the Oct. 28 CIPA deadline, applicants now have 120 days from the date on the funding letter or 120 days from the start of service (whichever is later) to have their 486 form postmarked in order to discounts to be paid retroactively to the Service Start Date (July 13, 2002).
* Also because this wave is being mailed after March 1, entities are entitled to an extension on their installation window for non-recurring services for these services until September 30, 2003.
A summary of each commitment is listed below, and detailed information will be posted to the SLD web site. The actual letters should arrive next week. If you find that your funding commitment letter does not arrive in a timely manner, you should contact the SLD ASAP to have a new one issued. The original date on your letter is the one that will be used to determine CIPA compliance.
* If you disagree with a funding commitment decision, an appeal letter MUST be received at the SLD or FCC within 60 days of the date that is on the decision letter (NOT the letter's postmark date). There are no exceptions to this rule.
E-rate Year 4, Wave 15
Chester Charter School $53,672.40
Eugnio Maria Hostos Charter School $164,525.26
Mathematics, Civics & Sciences Charter School $222,431.00
Sto-Rox School District $114,178.76
Woods Schools $333,520.63
York Area Technology in Education Consortium $43,967.77
Youth Build Philadelphia Charter School $375,260.65
Sum for State $1,307,556.47
Julie Tritt Schell
(717) 730.7133 (voice)
(717) 730.9060 (fax)
