Have Filtering Prices Increased?
Message Posted December 27, 2001 The E-rate coordinators from several states have been trying to think of ways to encourage the FCC/SLD to make Internet filtering E-rate eligible, and on a recent call, we discussed with them that we have heard stories of prices increasing dramatically since the passage of CIPA.
This is not an urgent request, by any means, but if you would like to relate a situation to me where your filtering product or service was free or very cost effective before the passage of CIPA, and now is much more expensive, I will put them together as a synopsis and try to make a stronger case.
Please use the following format:
Last year service included:
Last year price was:
This year service includes:
This year price is:
Thanks for your help!
-- Julie
Julie Tritt Schell
Director, Office of Educational Technology
Pennsylvania Department of Education
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax
