E-rate Year 5 PEPPM Information Now Available
Message Posted November 21, 2001
The PA Department of Education has filed a Form 470
for the PEPPM contracts (internal connections contracts). Schools and
libraries that would like to purchase and take receipt of an E-rate eligible
item from PEPPM after July 1, 2002 may simply file one form, the Form 471,
after a purchase order or contract has been established for that product.
Only one form is required because the state has posted the Form 470 on
behalf of all schools and libraries in the Commonwealth.
The Form 471 filing window opened on Nov. 5 and thus Form 471 applications
may be submitted immediately. The final day that applications can be
postmarked and still be included in the Year 4 Form 471 window is Jan. 17,
2002. Specific filing information for individual Form 471s is below.
Please note the following:
The essential information you will need to complete Block 5 for the
Form 471 is as follows:
# 12: 470 Application Number for the PEPPM contract is: 926290000296668
# 15: Contract Number: Purchase order number or contract number from
agreement that YOU sign with vendor from PEPPM contract - not a PEPPM
contract number.
# 17: Allowable Contract Date: 10/24/2000 (you MUST use this date if you
are purchasing from PEPPM) and yes, this is a date from last year, but due
to a 2 year contract, the allowable contract date is from last year.
# 18: Contract Award Date: Date of purchase order or signing of contract
with vendor from PEPPM contract (must be 01/17/2002 or the date that you
send your 471)
# 19a: Service Start Date: 07/01/2002 (always use this date for all Year 5
# 19b: Service End Date: 09/30/2003 (always use this date for all Year 5
Internal Connections)
# 20: Contract Expiration Date: Date that you expect to receive service or
product that was purchased from a PEPPM vendor (must be between 07/01/2002
and 09/30/2003), or simply use the date of 09/30/2003, the last possible
date to receive merchandise for year 5.
Applicants can complete the Form 471 online
(www.sl.universalservice.org/menu.asp) or download the form at:
www.sl.universalservice.org/form/ and submit by mail. Assistance with
filing the Form 471 for PEPPM 2001-2002 items will be provided by Central
Susquehanna Intermediate Unit staff by calling (570) 523-1155 ext. 2144.
Julie Tritt Schell
Director, Office of Educational Technology
Pennsylvania Department of Education
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax