E-rate Vendors' Training Scheduled
Message Posted July 17, 2001
Monday, August 13, 2001 and Tuesday, August 14, 2001
Seattle, Washington
East Coast Training Anticipated for Later Date
The Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service
Administrative Company will hold a national Service Providers Training
Workshop for Year 4 of the E-rate program on August 13 and 14, 2001 in
Seattle, Washington. SLD staff members will conduct one and one-half days of
training presentations. These group presentations will be issue-focused and
will include detailed updates on Year 4 improvements, details of the
invoicing process and providing benefits/discounts to your customers and
general program information. Participants will have time for questions and
answers at the end of each presentation; special breakout sessions will be
provided on electronic invoicing and notifications. This workshop is
designed specifically for service provider personnel who provide customer
outreach and those responsible for the billing and invoicing process.
The deadline for submission of the attached Registration Form to the SLD is
Monday, July 30, 2001. SLD will distribute by e-mail a list of confirmed
attendees to date on or before the first full week in August.
Please contact SLD if, before the workshop, your contact information changes
or one of your designated participants is unable to attend the workshop.
Qwest Bell Plaza Auditorium
6th & Olive Streets7th & Olive Streets
Seattle, Washington 981910
Who should attend:
We welcome new service providers who are just beginning their association
with the Schools and Libraries Program, as well as those who have
participated in the past. This training will be appropriate for sales
associates or others with customer contact, contract managers and billing
and invoicing staff. In order to ensure that as many companies as want to
participate can, we ask that you limit your registration to no more than 4
What will be covered:
This training will cover program rules and regulations, especially with
regard to competitive bidding and service provider involvement in forms
preparation; billing and invoicing and providing discounts to your
customers; and invoice audits. and program requirements; and Year 4
enhancements to the application process.
FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS: You are responsible for your travel and hotel
expenses. SLD will supply refreshments for breaks and an evening reception
on August 13, and a continental breakfast, refreshments for breaks, and a
buffet lunch on August 14. SLD has also negotiated a reduced room rate for a
limited number of workshop participants. You must call Crowne Plaza
Seattle's Reservations by Friday, July 20, 2001 at 1-800-521-2762 and
identify yourself as an "Vendor E-rate Workshop Group" participant at the
Crowne Plaza Seattle, 1113 6th Ave. in Seattle, Washington, to reserve a
room at the hotel and to receive the negotiated rate. You must contact
Crowne Plaza Reservations yourself to make your hotel reservations; the
attached Registration Form alerts only the SLD of your intention to attend
the workshop.
FOR CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Please indicate on the attached Registration
Form the names, titles, and business contact information for the personnel
who will participate in the training. You may complete a registration form
online or by downloading the PDF version and returning it to the SLD by fax
or e-mail as follows:
By fax to: (202) 776-0082 ATTN: Deb Quinones
By e-mail to: dquinones@universalservice.org
You must register by July 30, 2001 to reserve slots for your company at the
We look forward to seeing you at this workshop. We are eager to share with
you the background information on program rules and requirements, and the
details of the billing process and the improvements we have put in place for
Year 4 that will make you a successful participant in the E-rate program.
If you have any questions or need additional information, you may contact
Ellen Wolfhagen by telephone at (202) 776-0200 or by e-mail
Summary Schedule:
Monday, August 13
* 1:001:30 pm Early Registration
* 2:00 1:30 pm Training Sessions Begin
* 5:30 pm Training Sessions End
* 6:00 pm Evening Reception
Tuesday, August 14
* 8:30 am Late Registration
* 9:00 am Training Sessions Begin
* 5:004:30 pm Training Sessions End
Julie Tritt Schell
Office of Educational Technology
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax