Year 4 E-rate 471 Filing Window Dates Announced
Message Posted November 3, 2000
* Postmark Date Now Accepted Instead of Receipt Date *
* New, Year 4 471 Must be Used *
SLD has announced that the Year 4 window for filing Form 471 applications will open on Monday, Nov. 6 at noon. It will remain open for 74 calendar days and close at 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001. Further, there is a new rule allows the use of POSTMARKS rather than receipt dates for meeting the deadline.
Unlike Year 3, all materials associated with the Form 471 have a January 18 deadline:
the 471 Form itself ( whether electronic or paper)
the Block 6 certification for the Form 471 with an original signature by the authorized person
all attachments for Item 21
the Block 6 certification of Form 470 filed for Year 4 ( and which is cited in a Year 4 Form 471) with an original signature by the authorized person
The Year 4 Form 471 is dated October 2000, and this version must be used for Year 4 requests. Old Forms 471s will not be accepted. Both the 470 and the new 471 may be filed online and both are available now for manual filing at: under SLD Forms. The forms are also available via mail by calling the SLD Client Service Bureau at 888-203-8100.
If you have not yet filed a 470 for Year 4, now is the time to do so. If you have filed, you should have received or will be receiving a receipt notification letter (in the color pink) giving you an allowable date for signing contracts (and thus a date when you may file a 471). If you take the January 18th deadline and work backwards, the absolute last possible date to post a 470 and still leave yourself 28 days for posting and only one day to sign your contract, file a 471 and have it postmarked by the end of the window, is December 21. Please don't consider filing the 470 this late. December 15 should realistically be the last day that you want to file a 470 for Year 4 and still safely be in the 471 filing window.
Julie Tritt Schell
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax
