FCC Sets E-rate Funding Level at $2.25 Billion
Message Posted April 13, 2000
FCC Sets E-rate Funding Level at $2.25 Billion
~ All Applicants to Receive Funding for Telecom and Internet Access Requests ~
This morning the FCC set the Year 3 E-rate Funding Level at the $2.25 billion cap, a move that has been anticipated for more than two months. This action now clears the way for the SLD to begin mailing Year 3 Funding Commitment Letters.
The first wave, which we understand will be mailed tomorrow, will contain 7400 letters, committing $185.6 million. Details on which PA applicants will be included in this wave should be known by tomorrow, and will be e-mailed to Penn*Link and the E-rate listserve as in previous years. The actual letters should arrive next week.
The SLD has said that the $2.25 billion will cover ALL approved requests telecommunications services and Internet access for applicants at ALL discount levels, as well as internal connections for applicants with a discount of 90%. There will not be sufficient funds to cover internal connections requests for applicants with discounts of 80% and below. Applicants with discounts of between 81% and 89% are in limbo for their internal connections requests until the SLD can determine what funds remain after several waves have been mailed. There also will be 6000 letters mailed tomorrow to internal connections applicants with discounts at 80% and below, indicating that there will be insufficient funds to cover their requests.
The next form to be mailed, the Form 486, is currently being revised. As soon as it is approved by the FCC and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), funded applicants will be encouraged to file this form as soon as possible.
If you disagree with a funding commitment decision, an appeal letter must be received at the SLD within 30 days of the date that is on the decision letter (not the letter's postmark date).
The fast turn around of this year's decision letters is due in large part to the significant number of online filers.
-- Julie
Julie L. Tritt
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax
