Today Is Last Day to Overnight-Mail E-rate Form 471 Signature Pages and Attachments
Message Posted January 25, 2000
REMINDER!! If you filed your 471 E-rate application online, Wednesday,
January 26, 2000, 11:59 p.m. EST is the deadline for Filing Block 6
Certifications and Signature Page and Block 5 Attachments of Form 471. That
means that if you haven't done so already, today is the last possible day to
overnight mail those pages to Kansas to have your application completed and
considered as received within the window.
It is too late to file your 471 application to have it received within the
window, although you are still welcome to file for consideration outside the
window. This filing date is ONLY for signature, certification and
description of services pages that could not be submitted electronically.
The Block 6 Certifications and Signature page along with the Block 5, Item
21 Description of Service(s) attachment may be sent via express delivery
services to:
SLD-Form 471 Certification
c/o Ms. Smith
3833 Greenway Drive
Lawrence, KS 66046
or for those wishing to deliver these items in person, following are the
directions from the Kansas City International (KCI) Airport to the SLD
application processing facility--National Computer Systems (NCS)--in
Lawrence, KS. An employee will be available from 8 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. EST
daily from Monday, January 24, 2000, through Wednesday January 26, 2000, at
the South entrance of this facility to receive your Form 471 Block 6,
Certifications and Signature page and Block 5, Item 21 Description of
Service(s) attachments.
· As you depart KCI airport, follow all signs that indicate I-29 North or
· Once on I-29 North, seek out the signs for I-435 West. Make sure you stay
in the right lane. Once you are on I-435 West, it will change to I-435
South: you will stay on this road for approximately 25 miles.
· Stay on I-435 West, until you see signs for K-10 (Lawrence)
· Take K-10 (Lawrence) for about 20 - 25 miles.
· Once you approach Lawrence, the speed limit will reduce to 65 mph. You
will need to stay in the right lane.
· You will see a blue sign indicating East Hills Business Park, make a right
into the Business Park. At the stop sign you will make a right again. You
are looking for a building named NCS (National Computer Systems).
· NCS is around the curve at the bottom of the hill on the right.
Julie L. Tritt
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax
