Info Now Online for Year 3 E-rate PEPPM Purchases
Message Posted December 7, 1999
As in the previous two years, the PA Department of Education and the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit have filed a Form 470 for the PEPPM contracts, and thus schools and libraries that would like to purchase and take receipt of an E-rate eligible item from PEPPM after July 1, 2000 may simply file one form, the Form 471, after a purchase order or contract has been established for that product. The Form 471 filing window opened on Nov. 10 and thus 471 applications may be submitted immediately. The final day that applications can be received at the SLD offices is Jan. 19, 2000.
All pertinent information that applicants must include on their 471 applications is included in this E-mail message as well is posted on the PEPPM web site at
There are three important items you should know.
* For year 3, we were successful in having all E-rate eligible PEPPM contracts signed and thus there will not be a list of "E-rate eligible vendors" and "non E-rate eligible vendors."
* For Year 3 E-rate purchases: Only PEPPM 2000 bids and these vendors should be used when filing your Form 471 for purchases to occur after June 30, 2000. We will not be posting price lists for PEPPM 2000 vendors until January 1, 2000, however you may contact the vendors for individual quotes in order to complete your E-rate Form 471.
For your Form 471 for E-Rate Year 3, you must use the PEPPM 2000 vendors to be audit protected by PEPPM. At the bottom of the E-rate PEPPM page is listed the product lines awarded bids, the vendor and contact information for each awarded vendor. Through December 31, 1999, you must contact these vendors to get written quotes which will conform to accepted PEPPM year 2000 pricing on products that you are submitting for E-Rate year 3 support via the Form 471. We are asking the vendors to send us copies of the quotes so that we can verify PEPPM pricing and archive them to support the schools in the event of an audit.
After January 1, the vendors, their price lists and ordering information will be listed on the PEPPM On-Line pages as usual.
For immediate purchases where you are ready to create and send your purchase orders to a vendor(s) dated prior to January 1, 2000, you must use the current PEPPM 1999 vendors listed on the PEPPM On-Line pages. Please note that we are not posting the price lists for PEPPM 2000 vendors at this time because the current PEPPM 1999 vendors have been awarded contracts through December 31, 1999. These contracts are still in effect and must be used for purchases dated prior to January 1, 2000.
Finally, the essential information you will need to complete Block 5 for the Form 471 is as follows:
* # 12: 470 Application Number for the PEPPM contract is: 734470000245091
* # 15: Contract Number: Purchase order number or contract number from agreement that YOU sign with vendor from PEPPM contract - not a PEPPM contract number.
* # 17: Allowable Contract Date: 10/14/1999
* # 18: Contract Award Date: Date of purchase order or signing of contract with vendor from PEPPM contract (must be between 10/14/1999 and 01/18/2000)
* # 19: Service Start Date: 07/01/2000 (always use this number for all Year 3 471s)
* # 20: Contract Expiration Date: Date that you expect to receive service or product that was purchased from PEPPM (must be between 07/01/2000 and 06/30/2001), or simply use the date of 06/30/2001, the last possible date to receive merchandise for year 3.
Applicants can complete the Form 471 online at:
<> or download the form at:
<> and submit by mail.
If you have any questions about filing the Form 471 for PEPPM 2000 items, please call the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit staff at (570) 523-1155 ext. 2144.
-- Julie
Julie L. Tritt
Executive Policy Specialist
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
(717) 705-4486
(717) 787-7222 - fax
