E-rate Appeals Must Be Filed ASAP
Message Posted March 12, 1999
The Schools and Libraries Division has just posted the following message on their web site as an update and reminder about the E-rate Appeals Process.
Many applicants were erroneously denied funding. If you believe you are in this situation, be sure to file and appeal as soon as possible (there's a
30 day deadline from the date they mailed your funding commitment letter). If you're unsure if you've been wrongly denied, please call me. -- Julie
From the SLD web site:
Now that the last wave of 1998 funding commitment letters have been made, the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) has begun focusing
significant resources on the appeals process. If you are among the small number of applicants (fewer than 4% so far) who disagree with a funding
decision and wish to appeal it, please note the following:
1. All appeals must be made in writing within 30 days of issuance of your funding commitment decisions letter. The address for appeals is
Letter of Appeal
Schools and Libraries Division
Box 125-Correspondence Unit
100 S. Jefferson Road
Whippany, NJ 07981
Appeals cannot be submitted via fax or E-mail.
2. Directions for how to file an appeal are available on the SLD Web Site
or via toll-free fax on demand (800-959-0733, Document #511).
3. We have established a contingency fund to accommodate funding commitments resulting from successful appeals.
4. According to current FCC rules, no funds may be expended for a particular line-item funding request (designated by a Funding Request
Number or FRN) while it is under appeal. For example, if the SLD provides a funding commitment to you for an FRN at an 80% discount, but you believe
you are entitled to a 90% discount and file an appeal on that basis, we will not be able to pay any invoices on that FRN while your appeal is
pending. The SLD has filed an ex Parte with the FCC to flag the operational impact of this rule, bearing in mind the burden this may pose on the client
for a mistake we might have made.
5. When you submit an appeal, you will receive an acknowledgement notice from us. Your appeal will then be handled as quickly as possible. Our goal
is to reach a decision on each appeal within 45 days of receiving it.
6. If you have questions about how to file an appeal, please call our help line at 888-203-8100.
Julie L. Tritt
Executive Policy Specialist
Office of Educational Technology
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 10th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Tel: (717) 705-4486
Fax: (717) 787-7222
